scopus revistas indexadas

Assessment and validation of wildfire susceptibility and hazard in Portugal. Biogeographic trends of endemic and subendemic flora in the western Iberian Peninsula under scenarios of future climate change. Finisterra. Biodiversity Data Journal, 8 :e51459., Domínguez-Castro, F., Alcoforado, M.J., Bravo-Paredes, N. [et al.] Finisterra, 55 (115), 211-216. NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2(1–2, SI), 73–82., Ferreira, D., & Paiva, D. (2017). WHAT HAPPENED IN LISBON DURING THE LAST DECADE? Elsevier B.V. Finisterra. (Estremadura – Portugal). The year-long unprecedented European heat and drought of 1540-a worst case. [et al] (2020). Risk Analysis, 36(6), 1188–1210. Citizenship Teaching and Learning. Orlando Ribeiro’s Mexico: field notebooks, photographs, and texts related to the Latin American Regional Conference of the International Geographical Union, 1966 ., Gant, A. C., Duran, G., & Janoschka, M. (2016). Rainfall-triggered landslides in the Lisbon region over 2006 and relationships with the North Atlantic Oscillation. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, (61), 335–339. Finisterra, 55 (115), 11-18. Dokumentacja Geograficzna. (2012)., Sampaio, A. R., Thomas, R., & Font, X. 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 26(2), 241–243. WATER, 8(9). (2021). Proximity to infrastructures and employment growth in Île-de-France region (1993-2008): The role of transport at the intrametropolitan scale . Statistical-dynamical modeling of the cloud-to-ground lightning activity in Portugal., Padeiro, M. (2012). Las indexaciones consideradas son WoS, Scopus, SciELO y Latindex, en ese orden de prioridad.Es decir, si una revista está indexada por ejemplo en Scopus y SciELO, solo se indicará Scopus, mientras que si una revista es clasificada en Latindex, significa que no está en ninguna de las otras bases de datos., Jolivet, D., Pereira, S. (2021). Retrieved from, Trigo, R. M., Varino, F., Ramos, A. M., Valente, M. A., Zêzere, J. L., Vaquero, J. M., … Russo, A. (2019). O Scopus combina de forma singular um banco dados abrangente de resumos e citações organizado por especialistas com dados enriquecidos e associados à literatura acadêmica em uma grande variedade de disciplinas. A., Carneiro, M. F., Correia, A., Alcoforado, M. J., Zorita, E., & Gómez-Navarro, J. J. régions et villes socialement créatives.Étude appliquée à la péninsule ibérique. The Portuguese cartography of maritime Southeast Asia in the first half of the sixteenth century: a synthesis of 100 years of inventory and map exegesis. Finisterra., Gomes, E., Banos, A., Abrantes, P., Rocha, J., & Schläpfer, M. (2020)., Fernández-Fernández, J. M., Oliva, M., Palacios, D. Garcia-Oteyza, J., . 131, 108200. Investigaciones Geograficas., Rilo, A., Tavares, A., Freire, P., Santos, P. P., & Zêzere, J. L. (2017). Proximity and knowledge governance in localized production systems: The footwear industry in the north region of Portugal., Franca, T., Alves, E., & Padilla, B. MDPI AG. The residential function in the Iberian Peninsula regulation of the undeveloped land., Fragoso, M., Trigo, R. M., Zezere, J. L., & Valente, M. A. NeoBiota, 67, 401–426. Cryosphere, 11(4), 1691–1705. Finisterra. Global change biology, 27(5), 970-982. Controlling retail development between restrictiveness and innovation. Iberia in 1816, the year without a summer. A proxy for snow cover and winter ground surface cooling: Mapping Usnea sp communities using high resolution remote sensing imagery (Maritime Antarctica). (2018). Journal of Maps, 10(1), 103–108. (2010). Landslides from the Arruda dos Vinhos region in a regional and a local perspective: Preliminary results . Channelling mobilities: migrant-owned businesses as mobility infrastructures. (2021). Cryosphere, 14(2), 497-519., Zezere, J. L., Garcia, R. A. C., Oliveira, S. C., & Reis, E. (2008)., Coutinho Guimaraes, P. P. (2018). Springer Verlag. CONTRIBUTION TO LANDSCAPE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. Unlocking the black box: a comprehensive meta-analysis of the main determinants of within-region income inequality., Ramos, C., & Reis, E. (2001)., Rocha, J., Da Silva, R. A., Amich, F., Martins, Á., Almeida, P., Aranha, J. T., … Crespí, A. L. (2014)., Vieira, G. T. (2000)., Lopes, L., Oliva, M., Fernandes, M., Pereira, P., Palma, P., & Ruiz-Fernandez, J. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal. Quaternary Science Reviews, 248, 106617. Las publicaciones indexadas son aquellas revistas incluidas en bases de datos que recopilan las citas a sus artículos. SUSTAINABILITY, 10(12). The urbanisation on the slopes of SARAJEVO and the rise of geomorphological hazards during the post-war period. O Scopus exerce um papel fundamental em ajudar os nossos pesquisadores, especialmente os investigadores que estão começando na profissão agora e os formados em início de carreira, a entender melhor o cenário das comunicações acadêmicas. Transport infrastructures and employment growth in the Paris metropolitan margins. Rocha, J., Ferreira, J. C., Simoes, J., & Tenedorio, J. Elsevier Ltd. . (2019). Geographic variation among Iberian communities of the exotic halophyte Cotula coronopifolia. Exploring the niche-based processes underlying the failure of a biological invasion using the invasive Chinese mitten crab., Cocola-Gant, A., & Gago, A., Henriques, E. B. JAIME CORTESAO in ITAMARATY: the COURSES of HISTORY of CARTOGRAPHY and TERRITORIAL FORMATION of BRAZIL FROM 1944-1950. Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation. Urban citizenship(s) in Lisbon: examining the case of Mouraria. An initial assessment of the bioclimatic comfort in an outdoor public space in Lisbon. Permafrost and periglacial research in Antarctica: New results and perspectives. Ecology and phytosociology of endangered psammophytic species of the Omphalodes genus in western Europe. SAGE Publications Ltd. Progress in Human Geography, 0309132520923062. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 615, 1574–1583. Retrieved from, Guillard, C., & Zezere, J. Study of current conditions of the active layer and top of permafrost of the embankment under the otto nordenskjöld museum, cerro nevado island, antarctica . Visual tourism and post-colonialism: imaginative geographies of Africa in a Portuguese travel magazine., Medeiros, E. (2013). Repositório ULisboa:, Portela, P. J. C., Martins, J. M. M., Soares, A. M. M., Ramos-Pereira, A., Araújo-Gomes, J., & Torres, A. Speleotourism in Portugal: Overview of Tourist Use of Natural Cavities. Application of Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) and delineation of natural risk zones in Greater Lisbon, Portugal. Brief Communication: Future avenues for permafrost science from the perspective of early career researchers. FINISTERRA-REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE GEOGRAFIA, 53(108), 161–188. (2020)., Alcoforado, M.-J., Andrade, H., Lopes, A., & Vasconcelos, J. (Re)defining the Euroregion Concept. (2015)., McGarrigle, J. Retrieved from AFRICAN AND ASIAN STUDIES, 15(2–3), 265–288., Terral, L., & Padeiro, E. M. (2013)., Oliva, M., & Ruiz-Fernández, J. Repositório ULisboa:, Valenzuela, P., Zêzere, J. L., Domínguez-Cuesta, M. J., & Mora García, M. A. NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 12(3), 639–649. Transportation Research: Part D: Transport and Environment, 94, 102810. ISSN. (2020)., Angulo, E., Diagne, C., Ballesteros-Mejia, L., Adamjy, T., Ahmed, D. A., Akulov, E., Banerjee, A.K., Capinha, C. … & Courchamp, F. (2021). Gentrification, residential ethnicization and the social production of fragmented space in two multi-ethnic neighbouroods of Lisbon and Bilbao. Flood fatalities in Europe, 1980-2018: variability, features, and lessons to learn. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, (1, 64), 403–407. Scripta Nova. A. T., & Santos, P. P. (2019). Progress in grassland cover conservation in Southern European Mountains by 2020: a transboundary assessment in the Iberian Peninsula with satellite observations (2002–2019). A comparative analysis of Bilbao, Lisbon and Rotterdam., Medeiros, E. (2015). GLACIAL EVOLUTION OF SIERRA NEVADA (SPAIN) AND THE ORIGIN OF ROCK GLACIARES. Studi Emigrazione. A., & Fragoso, M. (2017). MDPI AG. Elsevier Ltd. (2007). Economics of Innovation and New Technology., Gómez-Ortiz, A., Oliva, M., Palacios, D., Salvador-Franch, F., Vázquez-Selem, L., Salvà-Catarineu, M., & de Andrés, N. (2015). EUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES, 24(2), 193–208. Implementation of tsunami evacuation maps at setubal municipality, Portugal. Land Use Policy, 95, 103881. Active or passive recovery? The contribution of PSInSAR interferometry to landslide hazard in weak rock-dominated areas. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES, 25(2), 196–210. Variations of the front of polar club glacier, peninsula potter, between 1986 and 2011 . Impacts of the storm Hercules in Portugal., Bergonse, R., & Reis, E. (2016)., Gonçalves, T. E., Guimarães, P. & Cachinho, E. (2020). Active layer dynamics in three topographically distinct lake catchments in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica)., Cuthbert, R. N., Pattison, Z., Taylor, N. G., Verbrugge, L., Diagne, C., Ahmed, D. A., . Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 8(2), 624–648. Repositório ULisboa:, Mendes, J. M., Tavares, A. O., & Santos, P. P. (2019). MDPI AG. A revista Comunicação e Sociedade, editada pelo Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS) da Universidade do Minho, acaba de ser aprovada para indexação na Scopus, uma iniciativa da Elsevier, a maior base de dados científica do mundo que compreende mais de 22 mil títulos, de 5 mil editoras internacionais. A synthetic map of the climatopes of the Serra da Estrela (Portugal)., Goncalves, C. (2018). Uniao Brasileira de Geomorfologia. Current Issues in Tourism, 20(15), 1557–1574. Lisbon Urban Heat Island Updated: New Highlights about the Relationships between Thermal Patterns and Wind Regimes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH, 39(5), 948–964. Mortality Patterns of Hydro-Geomorphologic Disasters. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. Sustainability, 12(22), 9433. The making of epistemic communities in semi-peripheral academic human geography. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26 (Supl. Science of The Total Environment, 810,152314. UNIVERSIDAD PERUANA UNION., Cruz de Carvalho, R., Feijão, E., Matos, A. R., Cabrita, M. T., Novais, S. C., Lemos, M. F. L., Caçador, I. Microclimatic variation of thermal comfort in a district of Lisbon (Telheiras) at night., Cocola-Gant, A., Jover, J., Carvalho, L. & Chamusca, P. (2021). The Urban Heat Island Effect and the Role of Vegetation to Address the Negative Impacts of Local Climate Changes in a Small Brazilian City. Mapping wildfire vulnerability in Mediterranean Europe. . NATURAL HAZARDS, 72(2), 503–532. Bulletin of Geography, 25(25), 167–180. Publicar em revistas indexadas em Scopus ou na Web of Science, o que significa a visibilidade do autor nessas bases de dados é a garantia da divulgação adequada e necessária da nossa publicação científica para que chegue a todo o público potencial: pesquisadores, bibliotecas, universidades, alunos e professores que buscam estar em dia nos temas de seu interesse., Rebelo, L., Ramos, A. M., Pereira, S., & Trigo, R. M. (2018). Carbon sequestration scenarios in Portugal: which way to go forward? The Holocene deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica) based on the dating of lake sedimentary records. The cyberdivisions produced by the design of VGI under the platform economy: the Case of the Restaurant Sector in TripAdvisor. Repositório ULisboa:, Martins, M. M. C., Gomes, A. Finisterra. Mora, C., Vieira, G., & Ramos, M. (2013). CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACION GEOGRAFICA, 41(2), 409–426. & Morgado, P. (2021). Disponível em:, Guimarães, Raul Borges, Costa, Nuno Marques da, & Nossa, Paulo Nuno., Malta, F. S., da Costa, E. M., & Magrini, A. PLOS ONE, 11(11)., Pereira, S., Santos, P. P., Zêzere, J. L., Tavares, A. O., Garcia, R. A. C., & Oliveira, S. C. (2020). Assessing sustainable urban development trends in a dynamic tourist coastal area using 3D Spatial Indicators. (2009). All subject areas. MethodsX, 101150. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 20(3), 361–380. Tedeschi, L., Biancolini, D., Capinha, C., Rondinini, C. & Essl, F. (2021) [Early Access]. MORPHOLOGY OF THE PERFORATED CITY: SPATIAL PATTERNS OF RUINS AND VACANT LAND IN PORTUGUESE CITIES. Puede comenzar su búsqueda respondiendo a once preguntas. Repositório ULisboa:, Oliveira, F. S. B. F., Guerreiro, M., Freire, P., & Rilo, A. (3years) Apply. A revisão científica: o que buscam os revisores? If you decide to participate, a new browser tab will open so you can complete the survey after you have completed your visit to this website. DISASTER: a GIS database on hydro-geomorphologic disasters in Portugal. Fitosociologia. Interim reuse in urban derelicts: Uncovering the community’s attitudes and preferences through scenario-elicitation. Revista de La Asociacion Geologica Argentina. O uso das bases de dados, é fundamental para procurar, encontrar e consultar as publicações científicas mais significantes em diferentes áreas do conhecimento. SOCIAL & CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY, 18(3), 295–314. (2020)., Abrantes, P., da Costa, E. M., Queiros, M., Padeiro, M., & Mousselin, G. (2013). Distribution of alien tetrapods in the Iberian Peninsula. A comparison between bivariate and multivariate methods to assess susceptibility to liquefaction-related coseismic surface effects in the Po Plain (Northern Italy). (2002). Cryosphere, 14(3), 1105-1120., Zezere, J. L. (2002). MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS, 26(3), 160–172. A importância de “trazer à luz”, em vez de ocultá-los: os resultados anômalos ou inesperados. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering., Camuffo, D., Bertolin, C., Diodato, N., Cocheo, C., Barriendos, M., Dominguez-Castro, F., … Nunes, M. F. (2013). FINISTERRA-REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE GEOGRAFIA, 53(109), 3–20. Western Mediterranean precipitation over the last 300 years from instrumental observations. Oliveira, F. R. (2017). Resilience and transformation in times of economic crisis: the persistence of community in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area., Sarmento, J., & Kazemi, Z. Unfolding authenticity within retail gentrification in Mouraria, Lisbon. (2020). (2021)., Goyanes, G., Vieira, G., Caselli, A., Mora, C., Ramos, M., de Pablo, M. A., … Oliva, M. (2014). (2021) [Early Access] Assessment of exposed elements in a changing built environment by using an integrated model of debris flow initiation and runout (Kalimpong region, Himalaya). Untamable esmeraldas?, Oliva, M., Hrbacek, F., Ruiz-Fernández, J., de Pablo, M. Á., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., & Antoniades, D. (2017). Morphological Indices as Urban Planning Tools in Northeastern Brazil. Revista Lusofona de Educacao. SJR TSe elabora a partir de las revistas incluidas en SCOPUS. Finisterra. Las revistas indexadas adquieren mayor visibilidad mundial., Jacinto, R., Grosso, N., Reis, E., Dias, L., Santos, F. D., & Garrett, P. (2015). Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. (2017). JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 122(6), 1456–1470. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(7), 1601–1608. Citable Docs. IDENTITIES-GLOBAL STUDIES IN CULTURE AND POWER, 22(6, SI), 687–705. (2017). Future cities and territory., Leal, M., Fragoso, M., Lopes, S., & Reis, E. (2020)., Santos, A., & Koshimura, S. (2015). Holocene slope dynamics in Sierra Nevada (South Spain)., Cócola Gant, A., & Palou Rubio, S. (2015). Rainfall thresholds for landslide activity in Portugal: a state of the art. Shaping the future of the hotel sector through consortia: The Portuguese case., Barros, J. L., Tavares, A. O., Monteiro, M., & Santos, P. P. (2018)., Araújo-Gomes, J., & Ramos-Pereira, A. Wind as a resource for summer nautical recreation. Collapsed Rhythms: The Impact of Urban Change in the Everyday Life of Elders. Retrieved from, Alcoforado, M. J., & Andrade, H. (2006). European Union Cohesion Policy and Spain: a territorial impact assessment., Bera, S., Melo, R. & Guru, B. MARINE GEOLOGY, 401, 129–144. Buhr, F., & McGarrigle, J. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment., Capinha, C., Rocha, J., & Sousa, C. A., Liu, E. J., Oliva, M., Antoniades, D., Giralt, S., Granados, I., Pla-Rabes, S., … Geyer, A. Glyphosate-Based Herbicide Toxicophenomics in Marine Diatoms: Impacts on Primary Production and Physiological Fitness. Es una publicación internacional de carácter académico., Medeiros, E. (2014). GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES B-HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 96(4), 363–386. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14(10): e0008679., Barros, J. L., Tavares, A. O., Santos, A., & Fonte, A. Hydrological Sciences Journal. Universidad Central de Venezuela. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 31, 44–53. Islam in urban spaces: The residential incorporation and choices of Muslims in Lisbon. Urban retail systems in times of turbulence: Levels of vulnerability and resilience. O processo de publicação de um artigo, Construção do referencial teórico, estado da arte, SEO na ciência: palavras-chave e Thesaurus, Publicar (em) livros: tipologias e princípios de qualidade editorial, O que é publicar em uma revista científica, O JCR já não é o que era: rumo a um JCR novo, mais universal e, ao mesmo tempo, seletivo, Visibilidade e impacto da pesquisa: Publons, Scopus e Google Scholar Metrics, Como responder aos questionamentos e sugestões dos revisores. Pereira, P., Oliva, M., & Baltrenaite, E. (2010). INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RETAIL DISTRIBUTION AND CONSUMER RESEARCH, 27(4), 317–333., Anjos, M., Lopes, A., Lucena, A., & Mendonça, F. (2020). Maria Pareja. (2021)., Alcoforado, M. J., Nunes, M. D., Garcia, J. C., & Taborda, J. P. (2000). Climatically sensitive transfer of iron to maritime Antarctic ecosystems by surface runoff. BIBLIO 3W-BARCELONA, 22. B., … Fonseca, V. & Cabrita, M. T. (2021). Otras herramientas para obtener el factor de . Urban Geography. CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM, 20(8), 801–808. Cultural industries in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area: Location features and implications on urban policies . Biota and geomorphic processes as key environmental factors controlling soil formation at Elephant Point, Maritime Antarctica. Como se puede apreciar en la figura 1, de 25 países Latinoamericanos solo 6 tienen al menos una revista indexada en Scopus que suman 27 revistas, y si a estas les restamos a ., Ascensao, E. (2015). Plant communities of Namibe Saltmarshes (Southwest of Angola) [Comunidades vegetais dos salgados no Namibe (sudoeste de Angola)]. Trends bet ween the last two decades (2000 and 2010). more_vert., Sampaio, D. (2017)., Barros, J. L., Tavares, A. O., Santos, P. P. (2021). Alguns conselhos para aumentar o número de citações em nossas publicações, A visibilidade dos artigos: presença de periódicos em bases de dados internacionais, Creative  commons. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 22, 147–157. Climate Research, 66(2), 141–159. Vegetation evolution by ecological succession as a potential bioindicator of landslides relative age in Southwestern Mediterranean region. In Ellul, C and Zlatanova, S and Rumor, M and Laurini, R (Ed. Silva, C. N. (2009)., Cachinho, H. (2014). En la Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades - UCH, estamos orgullosos por el aporte de nuestros estudiantes en la investigación., Martin-Diaz, J., Nofre, J., Oliva, M., & Palma, P. (2015). CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE ARRABIDA CHAIN (PORTUGAL): GEOMORPHOLOGICAL MAPPING AND GEOMORPHOMETRY. GEOMORPHOLOGY, 155(SI), 7–11. Geo-referenced databases for roughness parameters in urban areas: an application to Greater Manchester. Abusamos delas nos artigos científicos? Human‐induced globalization of insular herpetofaunas. Title . Malheiros, J. M. (2007). (2021)., Vieira, G., Bockheim, J., Guglielmin, M., Balks, M., Abramov, A. Para uma revista, a indexação nas bases de dados "significa reconhecimento de mérito, aval à qualidade de seus artigos e conseqüentemente para seus autores, que normalmente estão submetidos a processos de mensuração de desempenhos de atividades, tanto acadêmicos como de serviços" 2. Retrieved from, Medeiros, E. (2011). Drawing imaginary lines: Asia’s metageographies according to portuguese geographical descriptions and cartography of the sixteenth century . JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES, 30(6), 1065–1086. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. Retrieved from, Queiros, M. (2012). TEMPO-NITEROI, 24(3), 546–566. The mass wasting episode associated to the 1888 snowstorms in the Asturian Massif (Northwestern Spain). Remote Sensing. (2013). Can stigma become a resource?, Pereira Esteves, A. I., dos Santos Fonseca, M. L., & Macaista Malheiros, J. da S. (2018). European Journal of Migration and Law. NeoBiota, 64, 1–21., Franco, P. & Marques da Costa, E. (2021). JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, 18(4), 329–342. Science of the Total Environment, 775, 145238., Andrade, H. (2001). Sinta segurança para promover o avanço das pesquisas e ensinar ou pesquisar as tendências e prioridades — tudo em um único banco de dados e com uma única assinatura. Se identificaron 29 revistas universitarias peruanas indexadas que publican solo 14 universidades del país; se debe señalar que el total de universidades peruanas es de 143, según datos de la SUNEDU; es evidente que una mínima porción de universidades publican revistas indexadas de calidad., Vaz, T., Zezere, J. L., Pereira, S., Oliveira, S. C., Garcia, R. A. C., & Quaresma, I. CRITERIO B2. (2021). Some morphological aspects and hydrological characterization of the Tagus floods in the Santarem region, Portugal. (2012). The dynamic welfare habitus and its impact on Brazilian migration to Lisbon and Barcelona. (2009)., Bergonse, R., Oliveira, S., Gonçalves, A., Nunes, S., Câmara, C. & Zêzere, J.L. Increase of geomorphological risks in the urban space of Sarajevo as a consecuence of the process of suburbanisation and policies of neoliberalisation ., Farzamian, M., Vieira, G., Monteiro Santos, F. A., Yaghoobi Tabar, B., Hauck, C., Catarina Paz, M., Angel De Pablo, M. (2020). Sea breeze and local weather conditions in a coastal Mediterranean mountain setting. Retrieved from, Migon, P., & Vieira, G. (2014). REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFIA, 23, 47–65. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50, 101919. Agricultural land fragmentation analysis in a peri-urban context: from the past into the future. Social integration of young people in fragmented space : the challenges of a quest., Mills, G., Anjos, M., Brennan, M., Williams, J., McAleavey, C., & Ningal, T. (2015)., Hortas, M. J. Determinants of physical activity practices in Metropolitan Context: the case of Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Portugal. Revistas indexadas en SCOPUS; Revistas indexadas en Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Plan de Comunicación; Publica con nosotros. A., Matos, A.R., Cabrita, M. T., Novais, S. C., Lemos, M. F. L., Caçador, I., Marques, J. C., Reis-Santos, P., Fonseca, V. F. & Duarte, B. Territorial impact assessment and cross-border cooperation. Short rentals in Lisbon. & Redondo-Vega, J. M. (2020). E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. Share., Calisto, M. L., Umbelino, J., Gonçalves, A., Oliva, M., Serrano, E., Gómez-Ortiz, A., González-Amuchastegui, M. J., Nieuwendam, A., Palacios, D., … Antoniades, D. (2016). Nocturnal urban heat island in Lisbon (Portugal): main features and modelling attempts., Berrocoso, M., Fernandez-Ros, A., Prates, G., Garcia, A., & Kraus, S. (2016). 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Assessment of the recurrence interval of wildfires in mainland Portugal and the identification of affected LUC patterns. “Brazil’s Island’’ by Jaime Cortesao: geographical ideas and cartographic expression of a geopolitical concept. (2015). Reversible glacial-periglacial transition in response to climate changes and paraglacial dynamics: a case study from Héðinsdalsjökull (northern Iceland). Repositório ULisboa:, Guimarães, P. P. C. (2019). PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES, 21(2, SI), 182–197. Analise Social., Coutinho Guimaraes, P. P. (2018). Retrieved from, Espinha Marques, J., Marques, J. M., Chaminé, H. I., Afonso, M. J., Carreira, P. M., Fonseca, P. E., … Rocha, F. T. (2005). InCites é uma ferramenta de avaliação baseada em citações que permitem comparar a atividade produtiva científica, sendo muito útil para que os administradores acadêmicos governamentais analisem sua produtividade institucional. Sustainability (Switzerland). Catena, 149, 519–528. 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A resilience checklist to evaluate coastal dune vulnerability. FINISTERRA-REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE GEOGRAFIA, 53(107), 51–66. Elsevier B.V. Effects of different land use and land cover data on the landslide susceptibility zonation of road networks. Finisterra, 55 (115), 113-119., Santos, M., & Fragoso, M. (2013). Mais informações em: Tweet Related Posts : Revistas brasileiras em LATINDEX Landscape metrics applied to formerly reclaimed saltmarshes: A tool to evaluate ecosystem services? A. Finisterra. Identification of hazardous zones combining cliff retreat rates with landslide susceptibility assessment. Eventos +puntual; . Comunicação, Territórios, Organizações e Dinâmicas Sociais, Estágio Científico Avançado de Doutoramento. (2016). A comparison of Cartographic configurations through bidimensional regression . GEOSPATIAL HEALTH, 3(2), 177–187. Dashboard COMPRIME_COMPRI_MOv: Multiscalar Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Portugal. 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